Racial Equity and Inclusion Resource Collection

"Historic discrimination in U.S. housing policy — particularly discrimination against Black Americans — is one of the chief drivers of racial inequities that persist today. Organizations like Habitat that work on housing must understand that history, and it must inform our work moving forward." - Jonathan Reckford, CEO, HFHI

History of Government's Role in Housing Discrimination


Segregated by Design

Race in America

How the GI Bill's Promise Was Denied to a Million Black WWII Veterans



Wisconsin’s Racial Divide


poverty hoUsing in milwaukee

Evicted” by Matthew Desmond

The state of black milwaukee

Download is free: https://dc.uwm.edu/ced_pubs/56/

The State of Black Milwaukee in National Perspective_ Racial Ineq.jpg

Racial Covenants


The Geography of Inequality
