Introducing Veteran Women Build

On September 11th we were honored to partner with HFH Wisconsin River Area in a special ceremony and build day with Wisconsin’s Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Mary Kolar. From this wonderful build event sprung the idea of creating a new Habitat Wisconsin initiative honoring a group that is often forgotten: women veterans. We’d like every affiliate in Wisconsin to join us for a first-of-its-kind in the country statewide Veterans Women Build!

Kickoff to this initiative will take place on June 12, 2020, commemorating the date that the Women's Armed Services Integration Act was signed into law in 1948, which enabled women to serve as permanent, regular members of all military branches. There are currently nearly 30,000 women veterans in our state, and we plan to work with veterans organizations, women and veteran-owned businesses, and other partners to recognize and honor them for their service, whether it’s building or repairing a house for a woman vet or inviting women veterans to volunteer. We are in the midst of forming a planning committee to organize this event, so if you would like to help by serving on the committee, or your affiliate wants to participate, please let us know by emailing Sara. We’ll provide you with updates as we get further into planning, but in the meantime, save the date, June 12, 2020!